- 答:2007-2008 first semester Teacher 1-4 Zhou Yu discusses the paper topic and starts to collect the material, delivers the topic to report and the literature summarizes, revises after teacher and through verification. 5-8 the pletes the first draft, delivers teacher to scrutinize and the revision. 9-16 the pletes two manuscripts, delivers teacher to scrutinize and the revision. 17-20 the pletes three manuscripts, delivers teacher to scrutinize and the revision. Teacher 2007-2008 year second semester 1-4 Zhou The opinion, makes the revision to three manuscripts, the processing, the determination finally manuscript.
问:你论文的进度怎么样了?这句话用英语怎么说 谢谢
- 答:What's the progress of your paper?
- 答:how is your paper going on?
问:求助!!进度安排英文翻译,THX.. O(∩_∩)O
- 答:the arrangement of the process
- 答:参考文献
孙晓丽. 广告英语与实例
陈培爱. 中外广告史:站在当代扰搜视角的全面回顾
王咐拿佐良,丁往衡李搭道. 英语文体学引论
本文来源: https://www.xuelunwen.cn/article/66d21a7d96558ec443a0b322.html